
Matemática computacional para procesos de desalinización


Nicolás Carro, David Mora and Jesús Vellojín:

A finite element model for concentration polarization and osmotic effects in a membrane channel.

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol. 96, 5, 601-625, (2024).

Gabriel N. Gatica, Zeinab Gharibi:

A Banach spaces-based fully mixed virtual element method for the stationary two-dimensional Boussinesq equations.

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 447, Paper No. 115885, (2024).

D. Adak, D. Mora, A. Silgado:

The Morley-type virtual element method for the Navier–Stokes equations in stream-function form.

Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 419, Paper No. 116573, (2024).

S. Caucao, G.N. Gatica, J.P. Ortega:

A posteriori error analysis of a Banach spaces-based fully mixed FEM for double-diffusive convection in a fluid-saturated porous medium.

Computational Geosciences, vol. 27, 2, pp. 289-316, (2023).

V. Anaya, R. Caraballo, R. Ruiz-Baier, H. Torres:

Augmented finite element formulation for the Navier-Stokes equations with vorticity and variable viscosity.

Comput. Math. Appl. 143, 397–416, (2023).

V. Anaya, R. Caraballo, S. Caucao, L.F. Gatica, R. Ruiz-Baier, Ivan Yotov:

A vorticity-based mixed formulation for the unsteady Brinkman-Forchheimer equations.

Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 404, Paper No. 115829, 30 pp. (2023).

D. Adak, D. Mora, A. Silgado:

A Morley-type virtual element approximation for a wind-driven ocean circulation model on polygonal meshes.

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 425, Paper No. 115026, 23 pp., (2023).

L. Beirão, D. Mora, A. Silgado:

A fully-discrete virtual element method for the nonstationary Boussinesq equations in stream-function form.

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 408, Paper No. 115947, 32 pp., (2023).

S. Carrasco, S. Caucao, G. N. Gatica:

New mixed finite element methods for the coupled convective Brinkman-Forchheimer and double-diffusion equations.

Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 97, 3, article: 61, (2023).

C.I. Correa, G.N. Gatica, R. Ruiz-Baier:

New mixed finite element methods for the coupled Stokes and Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations in Banach spaces.

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 57, 3, pp. 1511-1551, (2023).

G.N. Gatica, N. Nuñez, Ricardo Ruiz-Baier:

Mixed-primal methods for natural convection driven phase change with Navier-Stokes-Brinkman equations.

Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 95, 3, article: 79, (2023).

G.N. Gatica, N. Nuñez, Ricardo Ruiz-Baier:

New non-augmented mixed finite element methods for the Navier-Stokes-Brinkman equations using Banach spaces.

Journal of Numerical Mathematics, vol. 31, 4, pp. 343-373, (2023).

J. Careaga, G.N. Gatica:

Coupled mixed finite element and finite volume methods for a solid velocity-based model of multidimensional settling.

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 57, 4, pp. 2529-2556, (2023).

S. Caucao, E. Colmenares, G. N. Gatica, C. Inzunza:

A Banach spaces-based fully-mixed finite element method for the stationary chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes problem.

Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 145, pp. 65-89, (2023).

G. N. Gatica, C. Inzunza, F. A. Sequeira:

New Banach spaces-based fully-mixed finite element methods for pseudostress-assisted diffusion problems.

Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol. 193, pp. 148-178, (2023).

S. Caucao, G.N. Gatica, L.F. Gatica:

A Banach spaces-based mixed finite element method for the stationary convective Brinkman-Forchheimer problem.

Calcolo, vol. 60, 4, article: 51, (2023).

Sergio CAUCAO, Ricardo Oyarzúa, Segundo Villa-Fuentes:

A posteriori error analysis of a momentum and thermal energy conservative mixed-FEM for the Boussinesq equations.

Calcolo, vol. 59, 4, article: 45, (2022).

C.I. Correa, G.N. Gatica:

On the continuous and discrete well-posedness of perturbed saddle-point formulations in Banach spaces.

Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 117, pp. 14-23, (2022).

Verónica Anaya, David Mora, Amiya K. Pani, Ricardo Ruiz-Baier:

Error analysis for a vorticity/Bernoulli pressure formulation for the Oseen equations.

Journal of Numerical Mathematics, vol. 30, 3, 209-230, (2022).

Sergio Caucao, Gabriel N. Gatica, Ricardo Oyarzúa, Paulo Zuñiga:

A posteriori error analysis of a mixed finite element method for the coupled Brinkman-Forchheimer and double-diffusion equations.

Journal of Scientific Computing, vol.93, 2, article: 50, (2022).

Eligio Colmenares, Ricardo Oyarzúa, Francisco Piña:

A fully-DG method for the stationary Boussinesq system.

Comput. Methods Appl. Math. 22, no. 4, pp.797–820, (2022).

Gabriel N. Gatica, Cristian Inzunza, Filander A. Sequeira:

A pseudostress-based mixed-primal finite element method for stress-assisted diffusion problems in Banach spaces.

Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 92, 3, article: 103, (2022).